
Formed for the Glory of God: Learning from the Spiritual Practices of Jonathan Edwards is unavailable, but you can change that!

Jesus said we should focus our minds and hearts on God above all else. No small task! Is there someone we can turn to for help? "Wisdom tells us to sit at the feet of our elders rather than the latest ministry fad," notes author Kyle Strobel. And is there a better elder to guide us than Jonathan Edwards? In Edwards, the eighteenth-century Puritan pastor and theologian, we find deep thought...

crucifixion and yet not be Christians. It does not take grace to be horrified at the notion of crucifixion. But if we recognize the crucifixion as, in a very real sense, beautiful, then we have been given grace. It takes a means of grace (preaching, for instance) to set the crucifixion before our eyes and have our hearts pour forth in love. It is only by God’s grace that we come to see this act as beautiful and truly grasp it as an act for me. Second, the means of grace help form our minds to the
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